Promoting good nutrition at Rangeway Primary NAIDOC

Published on Thursday, 30 June 2022 at 12:26:49 PM


GRAMS attended the Rangeway Primary School for the opening of NAIDOC 2022 to promote and educate the students on healthy eating and nutrition.


The students got to learn about healthy diets and how nutrition is important to staying healthy and strong, especially for growing children. All children and youth need healthy meals to support their growth and development by getting enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.


The GRAMS team facilitated an interactive education session and presented pictures of many different types of food from chocolate, lollies, vegetables and fruit, and soft drinks, encouraging the students to identify which food was good or bad for them.


GRAMS delivered a fresh and fun nutrition lesson and activities to 180 students at the Rangeway Primary School. To end each session all the students were given a fresh fruit salad and natural yogurt cups.

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