Hapee-ear health screening at Mungullah Village

Published on Wednesday, 23 September 2020 at 3:47:00 PM

A great day shared by all at the Hapee-ear Health screening and Health promotion day held on August 20th at Mungullah village.

The success was largely attributed to the collaboration and support of various stakeholders, Hearing Australia, Population Health Carnarvon, Carnarvon Aboriginal Medical Service and the ABC Foundation who provided us with a great venue at Mungullah village.

We had 100 per cent attendance rate and screened 9 children on the day from the ages of 1-5 years. The aim of the event was to promote early prevention and detection of ear disease and hearing problems in children before they get to Primary school.

Appreciation and thanks expressed to Carnarvon AMS from Hearing Australia for co-coordinating the day and supporting the visiting specialists, Lynn community engagement officer and Nina audiologist, keeping them fed and supporting transport needs.

It was great to see that the various agencies worked together to deliver the key health promotion messages for happy healthy ears and that the health information was culturally appropriate for our clients.

Healthy food lunches consisting of a bottle of water, fruit pack, a kangaroo burger in a bun with salad and eggs were supplied for the children who participated, their mums and nanas. The children had their weight and haemoglobin checked to support the importance

Of promoting good nutrition and growth and key message for having healthy ears.  The children each received a little book appropriate to their age level as a gift with their check to highlight the importance of having healthy ears for good hearing and language development.

The visiting audiologist was pleased with the attendance.  Three children were referred for further testing, screening and follow-up to Dr Harvey Coats, ENT and Audiology specialist clinic in Carnarvon next month.

Fun activities such as getting the children to blow, breath and cough and wash their hands, were used to highlight the importance to the children and parents using measures of personal hygiene, washing hands and blowing their noses to prevent the spread of germs and to have happy healthy ears.

A big thankyou to Carnarvon AMS team, AHPs- Vynka, Terri,  who worked hard to support the health promotion and screening, and to Kevin and Shane who looked after the visiting specialist transport needs and to Mark for his support and encouragement and ideas for it to be held at Mungullah.

The best part of the day was seeing that the children were engaged in all activities and having FUN! 

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